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Unlimited use for half the price of a textbook
Learner Price $59 / 4 months unlimited use
Instructors Free unlimited use
Try Skillsetter at no cost until you are ready to invite students
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Pricing FAQs
How does Skillsetter's pricing model work?
We use a textbook model of pricing, but for half the cost. At the rate of $59 for four months, learners gain unlimited use of our system while their license is active.
Meanwhile, Skillsetter is always free for instructors.
How does it work if the organization pays for licenses?
When organizations want to create a seamless experience for their learners, they can purchase Skillsetter learner licenses on behalf of the learners. Here’s how that works:
The organization purchases learner licenses.
Skillsetter creates the licenses and associates them with the organization.
Students are invited to Skillsetter to participate in one or more courses.
When students confirm their accounts, a pre-purchased license is automatically redeemed.
At any time, more learner licenses can be purchased and created.
How does it work if the student pays for licenses?
The fastest and easiest way to start incorporating Skillsetter in a classroom is to have the students pay for Skillsetter directly through the application. Here’s how it works:
The instructor adds Skillsetter to the course syllabus, just like a textbook. This way, learners know they are expected to pay for the service.
The instructor sends an invite for the course to the learner by email.
The learner signs in and pays by credit card to accept the course invitation.
How does it work if the bookstore sells licenses?
Many organizations want to create a consistent experience for students, ensuring that students can purchase all of their books and software licenses in the same place. Institutions may even offer students a bundle of products for a single price. If the bookstore is the best place for your students to acquire their Skillsetter license, here’s how it works:
The organization agrees to use Skillsetter in the classroom and signs a service agreement with Skillsetter.
The bookstore adds the Skillsetter SKU to their catalogue.
The bookstore places an order for licenses.
Skillsetter creates the licenses and associates them with the organization.
Students purchase licenses from the bookstore.
When students confirm their Skillsetter accounts, they are prompted to enter a unique code to activate their license.
How does the free trial work?
We offer an unlimited free trial for instructors. In fact, instructor accounts are always free.
In order to evaluate the software, all instructors on the system get the full features and privileges of Skillsetter without having to purchase a license. They can even respond to any number of practice cases to emulate the experience of the learner.
Once the system has been configured to the instructor’s liking, learners that are invited to the platform are required to have a license. Licenses can be purchased directly from Skillsetter by the learners, through the institution’s bookstore, or on behalf of the learners by the organization.
What is the difference between the learner version of Skillsetter and the instructor version?
The primary function of a learner account is to access the courses and create responses to stimulus videos.
Instructors have the additional abilities to create and manage courses, invite learners to classes, and evaluate learner responses. Instructors are also able to create responses to videos in their courses.